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  1. From Fiction to Fact: How Emerging Technologies Are Reshaping Cloud Security and Penetration Testing - PenteScope
    September 10, 2024 @ 10:38 pm

    […] IoT, everything from your toaster to your car is online. That’s a lot of new entry points for attackers. Securing IoT is like trying to lock down a house where every […]


  2. Securing the Internet of Things: IoT Devices pentesting - PenteScope
    September 10, 2024 @ 10:45 pm

    […] Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of interconnected physical devices embedded with elec…, enabling them to collect and exchange data. IoT has become prevalent in our daily lives, from […]


  3. IoT Security Nightmares: Real-Life Horror Stories and How to Prevent Them - PenteScope
    September 10, 2024 @ 10:57 pm

    […] Regulations: Various governments are working on regulations to enforce IoT security standards. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes provisions for IoT device […]


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